Tags: binary, playing, cards

Binary Playing Cards

  • €29,90
    • Prix en points de fidélité: 30
    • Fabricants U.S.P.C.C.
    • Code produit: MRCRT277-DF-OUT
    • Points Fidélité: 2
    • Disponibilité: Disponible - expédié en une journée

    The original inspiration for the design of the Binary playing cards comes from a single image, a trivial mosaic, which however impressed the designer instantly. It is the result of the appropriate combination of modern technology and traditional Western aesthetics.
    The right-angled triangle and the square formed by it are the main elements of the design.
    As for the combination of colors, this describes the characteristics of painted glass and the art of ancient Greek mosaic.
    The case is modern and elegant. The impeccable design of the backs will dazzle your eyes. Everything is consistent with the general style. Modern simplicity is always the eternal melody of playing card designs.
    Binary playing cards are printed by the USPCC. Casino cardboard coupled with Air-cushion finish.
    Stunning appearance combined with the best quality, is the best option for cardists and magicians!
    • Cards are poker format.