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Magie avec Dés
Express Dice by Tora Magic
Disponible le 28 février
The magician inserts a white die into a case, which he closes with a lid attached to a chain. He holds the case, from which the white die is clearly visible, and slides everything into a tube. When th..
Die Vision
Show a little box and a die with a differently colored dot on each side. Ask a spectator to choose a color and to shut the die inside the box with the chosen color facing up. While he’s doing so, your..
Magic Entanglement
The magician explains that there is an interesting phenomenon in physics called entanglement through which when a pair of photons or electrons, become entangled, they remain connected even when separa..
Classicho Display Case by TCC Magic
Display your Classicho series neatly and elegantly. This exquisite showcase is carefully designed to accommodate and display your Classicho series neatly and elegantly. Made with Cambodian rosewood ..
Die Box - Window
Similar effect to the traditional "Die Box", but with a significant addition! The audience always sees the cube move from one compartment to the other!The magician shows a cube and places it inside a ..
Dice Pyramid by Tora Magic
The magician shows 4 black dice of different sizes. He places them on a base and arranges them by placing them one on top of the other, like in a pyramid, from the largest to the smallest. Then he cov..
Stubborn Dice by Tora Magic
The magician shows, on the table, two pyramids each composed of four stacked dice of different sizes. He asks for the help of a spectator and both cover their pyramid with a parallelepiped. Then they ..
Split Dice 2 by Tora Magic
The magician shows a large blue die from each side and places it on a pedestal. He covers it with an elegant wooden lid. When the lid is taken off, the die has changed to red! This is repeated and the..
Problema - Teak Wood Box
The magician shows an elegant wooden box containing six black dice arranged in order from 1 to 6 and he closes it with a lid. He then hands over to a spectator dice cup, or any simple little cup (not ..
Hopping Dice by TCC Magic
If you enjoy the classic Hopping Half effect, you won't want to miss out on Hopping Dice by Shadow Lin. Hopping Dice brings a fresh look to the Hopping Half routine using dice. Crafted with precision,..
Classicho Hearken Dice by TCC
Discern two dice at once and enrich effects on multiple levels. Mental magic is a fascinating branch, and the audience is always captivated by its mysterious allure. Dice, familiar objects to everyone..