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Street Magic
La catégorie "Street Magic" de notre boutique de magie propose un large choix de tours et d'équipements pour les magiciens de rue. Ici, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un magicien de rue professionnel, avec des astuces adaptées aux débutants comme aux experts. Nous sommes fiers d'offrir uniquement les meilleurs fabricants et marques d'équipements de magie de rue, y compris des tours de passe-passe de qualité, des jeux de cartes, des pièces de monnaie, des bagues, des mouchoirs et bien plus encore. De plus, nous proposons également des tutoriels et des guides pour vous aider à apprendre les astuces et à devenir un magicien de rue à succès. Parcourez notre catégorie "Street Magic" aujourd'hui et découvrez tout ce que nous avons à offrir pour améliorer votre art de la magie de rue.
The perfect banknote recovery magic that many have been waiting for is finally here!REBILL is a revolutionary way to completely restore a single bill. Created over 20 years ago, the trick has been a c..
Double Cross Holster
The Double Cross Holster is the ideal way to carry Double Cross. The holster is a 3D printed sleek black tube that hides unseen under your coat, held in place with powerful neodymium magnets. The Dou..
Magic Color Changing Sponge Balls by Murphy's Magi...
Get ready for a groundbreaking twist in Sponge Ball magic! MMS is proud to present the Magic Color Changing Sponge Balls! These ingenious gimmicks will take your sponge ball routines to the next leve..
Magic Color Changing Sponge Ball to Square JUMBO b...
Get ready for a groundbreaking twist in Sponge Ball magic! MMS is proud to present The Color Changing Sponge Balls! These ingenious gimmicks will take your sponge ball routines to the next level. Wit..
Liquid Metal Necklace by LT Magic'
Liquid Metal Necklace is a visual utility effect. The magician removes the necklace and allows the spectator to examine it. Then, the magician borrows a ring from the spectator and visually penetrates..
Magic Sponge MR DONG by Murphy's Magic
Mr. Dong takes the classic sponge ball effect and adds a playful twist with an unexpected and humorous reveal. The routine builds up the suspense and surprise, making the final moment a... memorable ..
Magic Sponge Ball to Square JUMBO RED by Murphy's ...
You begin by showing your empty hand. After closing it into a fist, you produce a sponge ball. You then push the ball into your closed hand and ask the audience to guess which hand holds the red ball...
Magic Growing Sponge Ball RED by Murphy's Magic
Prepare for a fun and mind-blowing transformation that will captivate any audience! You start with a standard sponge ball, casually placing it into your hand. With no tricky moves or sleight of hand, ..
Deqode by David Jonathan and Kevin Aust
The most comprehensive project ever in the QR / Barcode prediction plot! Works on both iOS & Android! David Jonathan & Kevin Aust proudly bring you DEQODE, which allows you to "hack" ANY Q..
LS Roadtrip by Leo Smetsers
LS Roadtrip is Leo's creative twist on Robert Neale's classic trapdoor card, and as always, Leo has crafted a fun and commercial presentation! This time, it's all about the quirky question of which s..
Repo: A Chain of Unusual Events by Tobias Dostal
Prepare to unlock a series of unusual events!Imagine this: you hold a seemingly unremarkable necklace - which instantly becomes an ordinary key. Under your FULL control, the key and the chain begin a ..
Water Transfiguration by Arsene Hsiao
Alan Wong and 808 Magic PresentWater Transfiguration by Arsene HsiaoFrom the minds of Arsene Hsiao," I really like Lennart Green's physical performance movements and logic, and he doesn't do "techniqu..