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Escape Change Illusion
Your assistant climbs into a cloth bag, which is tightly closed by a spectator. To do this, the spectator forms as many knots as he wants with a rope, so he can really tighten the bag. Now a large clo..
Federal Escape Mail Bag by Ronjo Magic
Federal Escape packs small and plays big. A 7-foot-tall canvas mail bag, 2 padlocks and a solid steel bar are all examined. The spectators are given the keys. You enter the bag, and the bar is woven t..
The Lucky Key
Here is a truly top quality item for a flawless and outstanding performance of this classic of mental magic.The magician asks the spectators if they want to play a little game of chance. He pulls out ..
Houdini Handcuffs - New Style - With padlocks
The magician frees himself from the handcuffs despite these being closed with normal padlocks. Here is the new model of the handcuffs made famous by the famous Houdini: the simplest and fastest way to..
From David De-Val, Houdini's very own Secret Device is now available! This piece of apparatus enables you to make a very quick escape from any regulation real police handcuffs. This nearly made gimmic..
GIMMICK X by David De Val
David De-Val's Gimmick X... produced as a limited edition for the year 2000!What is it? It's a secret, precision tool. It will open most handcuffs, leg irons, even thumb cuffs and new awkward to open ..
Houdini's Handcuffs
The magician frees himself from locked handcuffs! These handcuffs popularized by the great Houdini are without doubt the simplest and fastest way to free your wrists. • Well-crafted chrome. ..
Loporcaro Handcuffs by Amazo Magic
A fabulous Handcuff Escape, and these look great! Ask a spectator to lock your wrists in these handcuffs. They are made of stainless steel and, to the spectator's eyes, escape is surely impossib..
Chain Escape (with Stock & 2 Locks) by Mr. Mag...
Imagine having a member from the audience chain you up; and within seconds you are able to escape! This is one of the easiest, fastest and most impressive of Handcuff releases ever to be released. It ..
The straitjacket escape
An audience member examines the jacket. Six belts are fastened behind your back. Your arms are crossed and belted together. The crotch strap is secured. You can't reach for the buckles. You can't move..
ThumbScape by David Leon
These are custom precision made solid aluminum thumb stocks. These are specially made for you to be able demonstrate your escape abilities. Many routines are possible. You hand the thum..