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Nathan Kranzo
The Vault - No Smoking Zone by Nathan Kranzo video...
It seems that just about no matter where you go, you can't smoke a cigarette. Why not turn this into a great moment of amazing magic? Just when they tell you not to smoke... your cigarette in your mou..
The Four Aces Project by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNL...
Dribble Aces You dribble through the deck and ask four different spectators to call stop as you do this is an amazing open handling of the spectator cuts to the four aces. Dillweed Aces This is a bea..
Tearify Newspaper Mindreading by Nathan Kranzo vid...
The classic Newspaper Test stripped down to its bare essentials. Done with NO GAFFS, GIMMICKS or extras. No math, no thinking other than presentation. A page freely chosen from a newspaper is torn int..
Instant Everything by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNLOAD
Ever want to pick your own pockets? More specifically, ever been looking for something in your pockets and couldn't find it? Watch as Kranzo searches for his car keys, cell phone, money, and your sel..
Kranzo's Comedy Magic and Mind Reading Lectur...
Watch Kranzo lecture for a live group of magician and mentalists. Kranzo is funny and entertaining as always in this JAM PACKED teaching DVD. Do yourself a favor and make your magic better by watching..
No Smoking Zone by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNLOAD
It seems that just about no matter where you go you can't smoke a cigarette. Why not turn this into a great moment of amazing magic? Just when they tell you not to smoke....your cigarette in your mout..
Stand Up Coin Magic by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNLOA...
A new download featuring coin effects designed to be performed for larger groups and better visibility. In this new download Kranzo gets away from the tired old coin effect performed at wai..
Extreme Magic Seminar by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNL...
On Kranzo's Extreme Magic Seminar you will learn over ten extreme effects! Aside from the killer effects you will also be subjected to Kranzo's hilarious performing style. To top it off you will learn..
Old School Kranzo by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNLOAD
Here it is! A FULL Kranzo lecture filmed from START to finish. This is all OLD SCHOOL Kranzo. In 2001 Nathan Kranzo lectured for a sold old lecture in Dallas, TX. This is the only proof. The original ..
EZ Add A Number by Nathan Kranzo video DOWNLOAD
The easiest Add A Number routine you will ever encounter. Sacrificing NONE of the entertainment value. FUNNY, ENTERTAINING and STRONG STAND UP MENTALISM!!! A watch is set to a random time by an audie..