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La catégorie "Accessoires de Magie" de notre boutique de prestidigitation vous propose une large gamme d'accessoires et d'équipements pour les magiciens de tous niveaux. Vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un magicien professionnel, avec des accessoires adaptés aux débutants comme aux experts. Nous sommes fiers d'offrir uniquement les meilleurs fabricants et marques d'équipements de magicien, y compris des accessoires de qualité tels que des mouchoirs, des bagues, des pièces de monnaie, des cylindres, des tables de close-up et bien plus encore. Nous proposons également des tutoriels et des guides pour vous aider à apprendre à utiliser les accessoires et à devenir un magicien à succès. Parcourez notre catégorie "Accessoires magiques" aujourd'hui et découvrez tout ce que nous avons à offrir pour améliorer votre art de la magie.
VANISHING COIN (Gimmicks and Instructions) by Appr...
Effect: You ask to borrow a coin from a friend or audience member, then you cover the coin with a handkerchief or napkin and ask your audience member to hold on to it. Next, you display a small cup, j..
A CLOSE-UP MODERN TAKE ON THE CLASSIC EGG BAG. GRUMBAG is a new beautifully crafted velvet and silk close up carry pouch that doubles as a classic vanish bag to perform the classic egg bag routines ..
Toy Market by Pilato
TOY MARKET! The magic of a store in your hands. Pilato presents an innovative effect for your magic show. TOY MARKET is the new sensation in children's and stage magic, an AWESOME and completely inte..
PITATA Smart Printer UK Lottery Tickets
UK Lottery Tickets for Smart Printer About 48 meters. Enough for at least 320 performances...
Ringo Hanky Pocket (Black for BABU) by GRUM®
Just like Ringo Hanky but smaller! With Ringo Hanky Pocket you can easily vanish a spectator's ring without any awkward handling or sleight of hand. So easy, its practically self-working! A spectator..
Half Dollar Coin Box Set (Deluxe Edition) by Bluet...
The Coin Box is a timeless icon in the world of coin magic, made legendary by magicians like Okito and David Roth, who built countless classic routines around it. Recognizing the enduring significance..
Morgan Dollar Coin Box Set (Deluxe Edition) by Blu...
The Coin Box is a timeless icon in the world of coin magic, made legendary by magicians like Okito and David Roth, who built countless classic routines around it. Recognizing the enduring significance..
Bond by Electricks
Electricks Bond: The Ultimate Input and Peeking Device for MagiciansBetter than an Apple Watch. Bond isn't just another tool - it's the next-level secret weapon for magicians, designed to solve proble..
L Holder (Double Jumbo Coins 2.7"-3.2") ...
Although magicians can rely on sleeves and tables to load and unload props during performances, pure techniques always have limits. With a little help of gimmicks, you can instantly produce and vanish..
L Holder (Single Ball) by Long Long & Bacon Ma...
Although magicians can rely on sleeves and tables to load and unload props during performances, pure techniques always have limits. With a little help of gimmicks, you can instantly produce and vanish..
L Holder (Double Ball) by Long Long & Bacon Ma...
Although magicians can rely on sleeves and tables to load and unload props during performances, pure techniques always have limits. With a little help of gimmicks, you can instantly produce and vanish..
L Holder (Shot Glass) by Long Long & Bacon Mag...
Although magicians can rely on sleeves and tables to load and unload props during performances, pure techniques always have limits. With a little help of gimmicks, you can instantly produce and vanish..