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Dean Dill
81 Cents (excerpt from Extreme Dean #2) by Dean Di...
Excerpt from Extreme Dean #2 by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of 81 Cents. 81 cents vanishes from the spectator's hand and appears in a glass. While the spectator is holding the top and bott..
Chink-A-Dink (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) by Dean...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Chink-A-Dink. Dean's version of David Roth's "Chink-A-Chink" using shell coins to make the handling incredibly clean. Never do..
4-2-2 (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) by Dean Dill -...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of 4-2-2. Four half dollars disappear from under four playing cards and magically appear with a surprise ending. This is Dean's v..
Trans-Mission-Impossible (excerpt from 3-Dean Tril...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Trans-Mission-Impossible. Another take on John Kennedy's "Translocation" that will fool your audience. Includes some new ideas..
Doug's Favorite and Beyond (excerpt from 3-De...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Doug's Favorite & Beyond. This is one of Doug Malloy's favorite routines as well as a favorite routine of Dean Dill. This ..
Peter Mui's Brainstorm (excerpt from 3-Dean T...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Peter Mui's Brainstorm. An instant assembly of four coins. Dean used this as a repeat or closing to a standard one at a time c..
Sweet and Dough (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) by D...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Sweet & Dough. In this extremely powerful routine that Dean used in restaurants and at private parties a borrowed, signed ..
Journey MATRIX (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) by De...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Journey MATRIX. A clean and simple direct handling of "Matrix" where four coins vanish and appear in one corner...
X-Plosion (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) by Dean Di...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of X-Plosion. This is Dean Dill's favorite and most talked about effect. Coins visibly assemble on the table and then start to mu..
Plastrik Card (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) by Dea...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Plastrik Card. Inspired by Daryl's "Hefty Penetration," a chosen card visually penetrates a clear ordinary plastic bag that is..
3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill - video DOWNLOAD
Magic's Best Kept Secret After nearly two decades of entertaining with magic, Dean again shares some of the finest material in his repertoire. He's not only a superb close-up artist, but also a sough..
Do or "Dice" (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilog...
Excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy by Dean Dill Performance and Explanation of Do or "Dice". Do or "Dice" was inspired by John Kennedy's "Double Whammy" and given a new handling with new concepts. A fantas..