Arcana by Pable Amira eBook DOWNLOAD

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Arcana by Pable Amira eBook DOWNLOAD

  • €24,90
    • Prix en points de fidélité: 25
    • Fabricants Pablo Amira
    • Code produit: dvarcana
    • Points Fidélité: 2
    • Disponibilité: Disponible - expédié en une journée

    "I love any effect using photographs, and any effect which makes a strong connection between performer and participant. Add in some 100% mentalism hits and you're onto a winner. Arcana is all of these things."
    - Stephen Young

    Arcana is a subtle system that will allow you to do great mentalism and readings with a deep and comfortable approach.

    A versatile set of photographs and the information from this eBook and you will be able to create great mysteries with your audience.

    Offering you 3 different routines and working ideas:

    Subtle Tarot
    Remote Emotions
    Arcane Prediction

    But obviously your own creativity is the limit in this system.

    You will receive the eBook and a set of files that you can print and perform right away.