Tags: inex, agustin, video, download, various

Inex by Agustin video DOWNLOAD

  • €7,90
    • Prix en points de fidélité: 8
    • Fabricants Murphy's Magic
    • Code produit: dvinex
    • Disponibilité: Disponible - expédié en une journée

    Imagine this. You draw random lines on a card box. With just a gentle shake, those lines morph into a word or into the name of a card.

    Not only that, you can draw an X on one corner of the box and visually move it to another corner. You can even make it jump to your palm or anywhere you like!

    This is a simple but stunning moving ink effect. You can make it in less than one minute.

    It's easy, practical, and dope.

    Download the video and learn INEX.