Tags: chance, control, gimmicks, online, instructions, henry, evans

Chance Control Red (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Henry Evans

  • €59,90
    • Prix en points de fidélité: 60
    • Fabricants Henry Evans
    • Code produit: MR75020-WGT
    • Points Fidélité: 5
    • Disponibilité: Disponible sous 7 à 10 jours

    3YcqX8L-Oi4A new way to demonstrate the possibilities to win at different casino games, roulette, dices and cards. Three different predictions, an incredible effect, with the spectator's free choices, to conclude in a complete a divination.

    It includes a chip, a printed roulette, two regular envelopes, one special envelope, two dices, and a special deck.