100 Heckler Stoppers by Wolfgang Riebe eBook DOWNLOAD

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100 Heckler Stoppers by Wolfgang Riebe eBook DOWNLOAD

  • €4,90
    • Prix en points de fidélité: 5
    • Fabricants Wolfgang Riebe
    • Code produit: db100 heckler
    • Disponibilité: Disponible - expédié en une journée

    Are you a speaker, entertainer, comedian, magician, or singer?

    At some point in your career, someone may shout out a comment or make an inappropriate remark during your performance. How will you handle this and what will you say?

    Here is a collection of 100 'comeback' comments, should you ever be heckled by an audience member.

    Every performer needs to know a few of these heckler stoppers to keep control of an audience. 100 HECKLER STOPPERS gives you the verbal ammunition you need!