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Magie avec Sphères et Ballons
Sponge balls 4.5 cm - 6 pcs (Assorted)
The sponge balls from traveling magician's hands to those of an unseen audience, SUPER SOFT version.With the sponge balls can perform various effects.They are suitable for both Micromagia with adults ..
Sponge balls 3.5 cm - 6 pcs (Assorted)
The sponge balls from traveling magician's hands to those of an unseen audience, SUPER SOFT version.With the sponge balls can perform various effects.They are suitable for both Micromagia with adults ..
Sponge balls 2.5 cm - 6 pcs (Assorted)
The sponge balls from traveling magician's hands to those of an unseen audience, SUPER SOFT version.With the sponge balls can perform various effects.They are suitable for both Micromagia with adults ..
Crochet Balls (Red) by Uday - 4.5 cm
One hand-made red crochet ball (the same balls used in the Cups and Balls)...
1.5 inch Crochet Balls (Red) by Uday
One hand-made red crochet ball (the same balls used in the Cups and Balls)...
Oscar Munoz Live (2 DVD Set) by Kozmomagic - DVD
Oscar Munoz gives you everything you need to entertain an audience! On this two DVD set, watch as Oscar performs his workers in his 50 minute show. The billiard balls, the rings, his 2 rope routine a..
Magic Balloons by Ken de Courcy - Book
This is NOT a book filled with balloon animals, etc. This IS a book filled with magic using balloons. VERY creative routines within the pages of this book...
Standing Up on Stage Volume 1 Opening Acts by Scot...
STANDING UP ON STAGE - DVD SERIES a complete master class on getting your act together Volume One - Opening Acts In this first of five volumes, Scott teaches you how to create an effective opene..
WATCH DOG by John Taylor & Paul Romhany (Pro-S...
(testo in aggiornamento, traduzione italiana in corso) "The moment John showed me this I knew it was comedy GOLD. What makes it a winner in my eyes is that it can be performed under any condition and..
Sponge ball 8 cm- Yellow
Here is a sponge ball with a diameter of 80 mm. It can be added to any sponge ball routine and is extremely visible even from far away!..
Linking Balloon Garland by Will Roya
Balloon Artist Linking Balloon Garland Kit. Includes 40 balloons and instruction sheet...
Two Colored Balloon Column by Will Roya
Balloon Artist Two Colors Balloon Column Kit. Includes 40 balloons, accessories and instruction sheet...